This year we are offering an At-Sea Residence. The residence opportunity is open to educators, artists, culture bearers, and science communicators, with preference for those living and working within Alaska, especially the coastal communities of the Northern Gulf of Alaska.
Category: Announcement of Opportunity
Short Course in Oceanographic Fieldwork Announcement
In August, 2021, the University of Alaska’s College of Fisheries and Ocean Science is offering a short course in oceanographic fieldwork for subarctic environments.

UAF’s AUGUSTmester courses are intense, three-credit courses that meet for only ten weekdays.
All students must be in good academic standing to take an AUGUSTmester course.
2021 Alaska Native REU

Spring 2021 to Fall 2021
The Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research (NGA LTER) project invites Alaska Native undergraduate students to participate in our interdisciplinary project during 2021.
Timing options for student involvement:
- Spring and Summer 2021
- Summer 2021 only
- Summer and Fall 2021
- Spring and Fall 2021
Any of the first three options include an opportunity to participate in a research expedition (dates to be determined as sea activities may be subject to quarantines, personnel reductions, and other restrictions due to COVID-19).
NGA LTER is one site within the national LTER network. Our research team investigates the features, mechanisms, and processes that drive NGA ecosystem production and foster its resilience. Scientists conduct ship-based observations and experiments, do research in land-based laboratories, run computer models of the ocean, and communicate findings to students and the public through education and outreach partners.
We seek a Alaska Native undergraduate student with interest in the Northern Gulf of Alaska to work with our University of Alaska Fairbanks team. Student research will integrate with work currently being done on the NGA LTER ecosystem. The time period of this REU position could includes our summer expedition aboard R/V Sikuliaq, so participation in ship-board research activities is possible, as is work that fosters partnerships with other disciplines. Research themes include biogeochemical cycling, microplankton ecology, physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, zooplankton ecology and molecular studies.
This REU opportunity is not limited strictly to oceanographic research, but can be a project that promotes partnership between marine science and other disciplines. Projects can be related to fields including but not limited to visual arts, music, education, engineering, communication. Participation could include joining a research expedition to the Northern Gulf of Alaska onboard R/V Sikuliaq, or it could be carried out fully at the UAF campus. The student will present their work to the UAF LTER community when the project is completed.
- Stipend of $5760 for a position that requires 480 total working hours.
- Additional funds may be available to offset housing and transportation costs.
- Alaska Native heritage
Preference will be given to applicants whose resume indicate:
- Desire to work in a team setting.
- Communication skills.
- Organizational skills.
- An interest in science.
- Self-motivation.
- Enrolled in the UA system.
- Upper division status in a bachelor’s program.
How to Apply
Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and its possessions and must be enrolled in a 2- or 4-year institution of higher education. Students who have received a bachelor’s degree before the start date of the program are ineligible.
To apply, email each of the following:
- Cover letter
- Resume
Make sure your resume includes:
- Contact information: email address and telephone number
- Previous work and academic experience
- Anticipated graduation date
- Transcripts
Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
- One letter of reference
Questions? Please contact
2021 Ocean Sciences REU

The Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research (NGA LTER) project invites undergraduate students to participate in our interdisciplinary oceanographic research this summer. This cohort of REU students will join our team from June 15 to August 20, 2021. The application period closes February 15, 2021; applicants will be notified in mid-March.
The NGA LTER is one site within the national LTER network. Our research team investigates the features, mechanisms, and processes that support NGA ecosystem production and foster its resilience. Scientists conduct field work, including ship-based experiments, run computer models of the ocean, and communicate findings to students and the public through education and outreach partners.
We seek highly motivated undergraduates with interest in marine science, biology, chemistry, and/or physics to work with scientists through the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Student research will integrate with work currently being done on the NGA LTER ecosystem. The time period of this REU position may include our summer cruise aboard R/V Sikuliaq, so participation in ship-board research activities is possible, as is historical time series or retroactive data analysis. Oceanographic research themes include biogeochemical cycling, microplankton ecology, physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, zooplankton ecology and molecular studies.
- Stipend of $5760 for a full-time position (40 hours per week) over 10 weeks.
- Additional funds may be available to offset housing and transportation costs.
- College level background in biology, chemistry, physics, or marine science.
- The ability to carefully follow instructions.
- Desire to work in a team setting.
- Communication skills.
- Upper division status in a Bachelor of Science program.
- An interest in continuing scientific research upon graduation.
How to Apply
Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and its possessions and must be enrolled in a 2- or 4-year institution of higher education. Students who have received a bachelor’s degree before the start date of the program are ineligible. Members of groups under-represented in earth and environmental science are strongly encouraged to apply.
To apply, submit each of the following:
- Cover letter
- Resume
Make sure your resume includes:
- Contact information: email address and telephone numbers
- Previous laboratory/field experience
- Anticipated graduation date
- Transcripts
Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
- One letter of reference
Questions? Please contact
Post Doctoral Fellow – Gulf Watch Alaska (GWA)
The Oceanography Department in UAF’s College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences is seeking a post doctoral scholar to work with Gulf Watch Alaska. The postdoc will contribute to existing data synthesis efforts and lead new analyses.
Gulf Watch Alaska
Gulf Watch Alaska (GWA) is the long-term ecosystem monitoring program of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council. GWA partners with the Northern Gulf of Alaska Long-Term Ecological Research (NGA LTER) project to monitor the northern Gulf of Alaska ecosystem. In fact, NGA LTER is an example of an GWA project that has existed for multiple decades with resulting long-term physical and biological time series for the Gulf of Alaska.

GWA investigates three main ecosystem components:
- Environmental Drivers (physical and biological oceanography),
- Nearshore Ecosystems (intertidal and coastal food web), and
- Pelagic Ecosystems (forage fish and predators of the pelagic food web).
GWA Science Synthesis
GWA supports annual field sampling efforts. However, it is also conducting cross-component science syntheses that focus on the effects of the recent northeast Pacific marine heatwave.
The postdoctoral scholar for this project will contribute as lead author and as co-author to GWA program synthesis products. They will collaborate with their UAF faculty advisor, GWA investigators, and the GWA Science Coordinator and ecosystem component leads. Together, they will design and conduct studies related to the phenology, magnitude, spatial variability, and recovery time of biological responses to and physical drivers of the marine heatwave. Additionally, other biophysical mechanisms of population regulation in the Gulf of Alaska may also be addressed.

Ecosystem Indicators and Management
These synthesis activities will support management actions by informing the ecosystem-based fisheries management of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council. For instance, the postdoctoral scholar will work with the GWA Science Coordinator to update existing and develop new ecosystem indicators to be used in NOAA’s Gulf of Alaska Ecosystem Status reports and Ecosystem and Socioeconomic Profiles.
In addition, the post-doctoral scholar will also provide technical review and editing of manuscripts, reports, and work plans for the GWA Program Management Team. They will also present results of their research at GWA meetings, scientific conferences, and to the public.
Learn More
To learn more about this position and to apply, please visit Careers at UA. The deadline is November 30, 2020.
Gulf of Alaska Research Opportunity: Murdock Trust Seed Funding (GEO)
We are seeking new partners for the newly installed Northern Gulf of Alaska shelf moored ecosystem observatory (GEO).
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Current GEOThe M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust funded the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) to construct a moored Gulf of Alaska Ecosystem Observatory (GEO) in late 2017. Consequently, in 2018-2019, investigators designed the system, purchased components, assembled the moorings, and finally deployed the moorings in July 2019. Now, an array of one sub-surface and two surface moorings collects high-resolution biological, physical, and chemical data year-round. Some sensors report data in real-time. OpportunityThis year, the Murdock Trust is making $42,600 in “seed” funds available to bring new partners into the observatory consortium. As a result, we seek short proposals by UAF-based researchers for innovative new observing technologies that can be integrated into the upcoming May 2020 GEO deployment. In other words, this effort aims to encourage new partnerships and technology developments that can be applied to ocean observing via moorings in Alaska’s marine environment. |
Proposal Guidelines
Interested investigators should e-mail a project description (2-page limit, exclusive of references and budget) and itemized budget to prior to Friday, October 4th, 2019. After notification of proposal success (by November 1st), funds will be available immediately and need to be spent before the end of FY20. In all, we anticipate funding 1-3 proposals. However, by stipulation of the Trust, all seed funds must go to UAF-based researchers.
For a full description of the project background and scope, please refer to the Gulf of Alaska Seed Funding Opportunity announcement.
Further information on the GEO can also be found at:
Graduate Student Opportunities, 2019
Graduate Student Opportunities at UAF, Starting Fall 2019
The Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research (NGA LTER) project announces multiple openings for graduate students at the University of Alaska Fairbanks that will begin Fall, 2019. Specialities include trace metal biogeochemistry, zooplankton ecology or physiology, and high latitude physical oceanography.
This project is part of the NGA LTER site. Therefore, student research will focus on the enhanced production and high environmental variability characteristic of the ocean shelf and slope regions of the NGA. This is a field intensive project with 3 yearly cruises from spring to fall. Projects will include fieldwork on UAF-operated R/V Sikuliaq and smaller regional vessels.
The student will be required to present work at international conferences, and to produce publishable manuscripts. Additionally, they join the national LTER network, with the opportunity of interactions with graduate students at other sites as a member of the LTER Graduate Student Committee. Collaboration with the interdisciplinary LTER research community is essential.
Credit: Kristen Weiss
Position Details
Applicants must have a strong background in oceanography and/or marine biology, chemistry, or physics, as well as strong written and oral communication skills. Experience participating in field research and/or working in laboratory is desirable. Members of groups under-represented in earth and environmental science are particularly encouraged to apply.
Positions include full stipend, health insurance, and a tuition waiver. Initial acceptance is typically at the Master’s level with possibilities to later expand into a Ph.D., or directly into a Ph.D. for those already at the M.S. level.
Application Deadline
UAF’s College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences provides application information. For Fall 2019 admission, UAF must receive applications for graduate admission with all supporting documentation, transcripts and test scores no later than June 1, 2019. Contact the appropriate faculty advisor (see below) before April 15, 2019 for more specific information.
More Information
REU Opportunity, Summer 2019

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Summer 2019
The Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research (NGA LTER) project invites undergraduate students to participate in our interdisciplinary oceanographic research. Two or three REU students will join our team from June 3 to August 23, 2019. The application period closes May 7, 2019 March 15, 2019; applicants will be notified soon thereafter.
We seek highly motivated undergraduates with interest in marine science, biology, chemistry, physics, and/or computer science to work with scientists at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The students’ research will integrate with work currently being done on the NGA LTER ecosystem. Oceanographic research projects include water column characterization measurements, zooplankton studies, particle dynamics studies, data analysis, and numerical oceanographic modeling.
The time period of this REU position includes our summer cruise aboard R/V Sikuliaq. So participation in ship-board research activities is also possible.
- $12/hr for a summer full-time position (40 hours per week) over 12 weeks.
- Discretionary funds may be available to offset housing and transportation costs.
- Required:
- College level background in biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, or marine science
- The ability to carefully follow instructions
- The ability to successfully work in a team setting
- Good communication skills.
- Desired:
- Upper division status in a B.S. program
- An interest in continuing scientific research upon graduation
- Must be a registered student in an undergraduate program.
- Citizenship or permanent residency in the United States or its possessions is required.
To Apply
To apply, email your resume and a cover letter to Elizabeth Dobbins ( The cover letter should include a brief description of your interest in participating in LTER research. Make sure your resume includes:
- Contact information: email address and telephone numbers,
- Applicable completed coursework,
- Previous laboratory/field experience, and
- Anticipated graduation date
Preliminary contact with potential mentors is highly suggested. You can find potential mentors and their fields of study on our Personnel Page.
Members of groups under-represented in earth and environmental science are particularly encouraged to apply.
More Information: NGA_LTER_oceanographic_REU
Potential project ideas are also available.
Expanded Teacher at Sea Program
It is with great excitement that we announce our new partnership with NOAA’s Teacher at Sea program!
In 2018, educators participated in each of our three Gulf of Alaska research cruises. Michele Hoffman Trotter, Per Fosstveit, and Mark Van Arsdale filmed creatures, helped with sampling, and developed lesson plans that will introduce students to our Alaskan ecosystem. Altogether, their contributions enabled our LTER program succeed. In general, however, it’s been challenging to connect with teachers and educators who want to get involved in our future cruises.
Over the summer, our marine education specialist, Marilyn Sigman, researched existing teacher research experience programs to find the best partner for the NGA LTER. Luckily for us, Mr. Van Arsdale joined us via NOAA’s Teacher at Sea program (TAS), which watered the seed of this new opportunity. As a result, NOAA and CFOS-UAF have made an agreement that will allow more K-12 teachers and marine educators who work in informal settings to take part in our research. In 2019, TAS’s established procedure will recruit teachers to come on our cruises. The educators will also take advantage of TAS infrastructure to post blogs and will participate in the network of TAS alumni. More information about NOAA’s program can be found at the TAS FAQ.
For the 2019 field season, educators will apply through NOAA’s TAS Online Application. We are spreading the word to teachers, informal educators, and administrators, particularly emphasizing educators in Southcentral Alaska.
Interested teachers should apply online before November 30, 2018, for the 2019 Teacher at Sea field season (sample application). Both K-12 teachers and informal educators (such as museum docents) are eligible to apply.