Spring 2021 to Fall 2021

The Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research (NGA LTER) project invites Alaska Native undergraduate students to participate in our interdisciplinary project during 2021.
Timing options for student involvement:
- Spring and Summer 2021
- Summer 2021 only
- Summer and Fall 2021
- Spring and Fall 2021
Any of the first three options include an opportunity to participate in a research expedition (dates to be determined as sea activities may be subject to quarantines, personnel reductions, and other restrictions due to COVID-19).
NGA LTER is one site within the national LTER network. Our research team investigates the features, mechanisms, and processes that drive NGA ecosystem production and foster its resilience. Scientists conduct ship-based observations and experiments, do research in land-based laboratories, run computer models of the ocean, and communicate findings to students and the public through education and outreach partners.
We seek a Alaska Native undergraduate student with interest in the Northern Gulf of Alaska to work with our University of Alaska Fairbanks team. Student research will integrate with work currently being done on the NGA LTER ecosystem. The time period of this REU position could includes our summer expedition aboard R/V Sikuliaq, so participation in ship-board research activities is possible, as is work that fosters partnerships with other disciplines. Research themes include biogeochemical cycling, microplankton ecology, physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, zooplankton ecology and molecular studies.
This REU opportunity is not limited strictly to oceanographic research, but can be a project that promotes partnership between marine science and other disciplines. Projects can be related to fields including but not limited to visual arts, music, education, engineering, communication. Participation could include joining a research expedition to the Northern Gulf of Alaska onboard R/V Sikuliaq, or it could be carried out fully at the UAF campus. The student will present their work to the UAF LTER community when the project is completed.
- Stipend of $5760 for a position that requires 480 total working hours.
- Additional funds may be available to offset housing and transportation costs.
- Alaska Native heritage
Preference will be given to applicants whose resume indicate:
- Desire to work in a team setting.
- Communication skills.
- Organizational skills.
- An interest in science.
- Self-motivation.
- Enrolled in the UA system.
- Upper division status in a bachelor’s program.
How to Apply

Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and its possessions and must be enrolled in a 2- or 4-year institution of higher education. Students who have received a bachelor’s degree before the start date of the program are ineligible.
To apply, email each of the following:
- Cover letter
- Resume
Make sure your resume includes:
- Contact information: email address and telephone number
- Previous work and academic experience
- Anticipated graduation date
- Transcripts
Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
- One letter of reference
Questions? Please contact projectmanager.ngalter@gmail.com