Home » 2023 REU Program Awards

2023 REU Program Awards

The NGA LTER REU program has selected our 2023 cohort. We are excited to host six undergraduate students this summer at UAF. They will be in Fairbanks from June to August and will have the opportunity to participate in our summer research expedition onboard the R/V Kilo Moana working on individual projects related to various forcings affecting the ecology of the Northern Gulf of Alaska.

Name Institution Mentor
Kaleigh Ballantine Oregon State University Seth Danielson
Cara Roberts University of Alaska Fairbanks Jenn Questel
Eris Trout Grinnell College Gwenn Hennon
Abigail Van Pelt Mercer University Ana Aguilar-Islas
Xavier Warren University of California Santa Cruz Tom Kelly
Alexia Wolff Old Dominion University Russ Hopcroft